Sevens players caught after Rio binge

The Australian men's sevens team may be sanctioned after a drunken night out in Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro.

Days after they were eliminated from the tournament, members of the Aussie team – including captain Ed Jenkins – went out to sample Rio's nightlife and only arrived back at the athletes' village at 9am the following morning.

According to Fairfax Media, the players staggered home to the bemusement of team officials. Jenkins, however, was refused entry because he lost his accreditation and was only allowed back in once he found it.

Australian Olympic chief Kitty Chiller says she was concerned about the athletes being drunk around the Olympic city late at night because of the crime issue, and confirmed she had stern words with the players. 

'I have a zero tolerance for disruptive behaviour. It's not about having no alcohol. Am I going to go out and have a few drinks? Absolutely. It is behaviour as a result of alcohol, of being a dickhead, of being disrespectful.

'It's not about having a breathalyser test. It's a question of, are you impacting on the performance of other athletes who are yet to compete? I don't want to send someone home every three days,' Chiller added.

Security arrangements for Australian team members outside the Olympic village have since been tightened. This include the banning of athletes from Ipanema and Copacabana beaches after 6pm and a warning about wearing team uniform and accreditation in those areas after sundown.

Photo: Mark Kolbe/Getty Images

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