Schoolboy pays price for steroids

The EG Jansen rugby player caught in possession of steroids last week will be leaving the school. understands that the boy was set to take part in 1st XV trials later this month.

A member of the public notified the school soon after witnessing a suspicious looking deal between a pupil and an unidentified third party. After further investigation, two pupils, including the rugby player, were singled out and drugs found in their possession.

EG Jansen principle Leon de Beer said the rugby player did not represent the 1st XV last year.

'He played a few games for the second and third teams, but his interest in sport dwindled towards the end of the season,' he told 'His friend did not take part in any school sports.'

While the boys, aged 16 and 17, have been suspended pending a disciplinary hearing scheduled to take place next week, the rugby player is set to enroll at another school.

'I highly doubt whether they [he and his parents] will turn up for the hearing, as they have already decided to withdraw him from EG Jansen and look for another school.' 

'It's extremely disappointing that our school has to be associated with a drug scandal, but I called the police [who arrested both pupils before releasing them to their parents] to show that we don't condone substance abuse and that such behaviour won't be tolerated at my school.'

By Mariette Adams

Photo: Supplied

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