SBW ruled out of Olympics

New Zealand's Sonny Bill Williams will miss the rest of the sevens tournament at the Olympic Games due to injury.

Williams left the field early in New Zealand's opening loss to Japan with a ruptured achilles tendon and has since been ruled out of action for up to nine months.

Sione Molia has been called up the replace the 31-year-old in the 12-man squad. Williams will stay in Rio to support the team before returning to home to have surgery.

Joe Webber also suffered a shoulder injury against Japan and it remains uncertain whether he will take any further part in the tournament.

'I’ve had a good run without injuries, this is just a speed bump. For now, my injury is secondary to the team trying to go all the way to that medal. I’m not leaving until after that last game,' said Williams.

'I’ve had an amazing ride. I’ve been blessed beyond things I could ever have imagined. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me. There is something special to be an Olympian and I still have a chance to win a medal, it’s an amazing feeling,' he added.

Photo: David Rogers/Getty Images

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