‘SA rugby is transformed’

Saru president Oregan Hoskins has hit out at those who have criticised the rate of transformation in South African rugby.

In an open letter, Hoskins said he had grown frustrated by the one-eyed and unfounded criticism, and suggested ‘the idea of an “exclusive”, “white-dominated” game is frankly laughable’.

‘No one needs to lecture us about the importance of transformation – we got there long ago,’ he wrote in an open letter to South Africa. ‘For instance, where were the critics almost three years ago when we became the first sport in SA to hold a national transformation indaba [in November 2012]?’

Hoskins said he was pleased by the progress of Saru’s Strategic Transformation Plan, and the various steps that had been taken in the right direction.

'In the week that we were first lambasted for being an elite, white sport we opened our 32nd mobile gym for black schools and clubs in Pacaltsdorp, we inaugurated our fifth “Boks for Books” library in an underprivileged school in Stellenbosch and we were named sports federation of the year in awards for women’s sport. Did that rate a mention? Was any of that weighed in the scales of criticism of “evil” Saru?

'All anyone was interested in was the fact that there were eight black players in a squad of 31 when 84% of the U18 population is black African. It makes no sense does it?'

Hoskins concluded by calling on all supporters to get behind the Springboks at the upcoming World Cup.

Read the full open letter

Photo: Ryan Wilkisky/BackpagePix

Post by

Craig Lewis