Ralepelle fails drug test

Chiliboy Ralepelle has tested positive for steroids, according to French sports daily L'Equipe.

The Toulouse hooker ruptured cruciate ligaments in his right knee against Biarritz on 17 February. According to the newspaper, he then underwent an unannounced doping test by the IRB, which found traces of Drostanolone (an anabolic steroid) in the 'A' sample of his urine. This was then confirmed by the French Agency against Doping (AFLD).

On the Boks' end-of-year tour in 2010, Ralepelle and Bjorn Basson tested positive for methylhexanamine. However, they claimed it was in the Bok-approved supplements that they had taken and were let off the hook.

Ralepelle faces a two-year ban if found guilty this time round.

Full L'Equipe article

Photo: Gabriel Bouys/AFP Photo

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Simon Borchardt