Quotes of the Week: It was like Alun Wyn was on a date with Berry

A selection of the best quotes from players and coaches during the buildup to the second Test between the Springboks and British & Irish Lions.

“That is just a sideshow. I am not on social media, it’s a different world to me. It’s just that it has been highlighted this week and brought to everybody’s attention, so we know it’s there.” – Lions scrum coach Robin McBryde on Rassie Erasmus’ controversial officiating video

“If Rassie got into trouble for bringing the game into disrepute because of what he said on social media, I think the gentleman that challenged the integrity of the game at the beginning when the TMO was appointed destroyed the dignity of the series.  The video or the gentleman that questioned the integrity of World Rugby? That’s where we need to start, that’s what you should question.” – Springbok assistant coach Mzwandile Stick on whether Erasmus should face disciplinary action over his use of social media

“Have you watched the [Rassie] video? Watch the video and we can speak about it. I don’t really want to get into it, to be honest, but we can speak about it after the game. I’ll speak about anything with the game but I don’t want to get involved in that. I didn’t feel I had the same access to the referee and there’s proof if you watch the game again, you will definitely be able to see for yourself.” – Springbok captain Siya Kolisi’s reaction to being asked to back up claims he was disrespected by referee Nic Berry

“He was hardly more than a metre and a half from the referee. He kept feeding the ref, manipulating, I suppose, highlighting things. He’s an old dog, he’s been captain for a long time. He knows how to push the buttons, ask subtle questions. Siya couldn’t get a chance. It was like Alun Wyn was on a date with Nic Berry.” – Former Springbok captain John Smit on how British & Irish Lions captain Alun Wyn Jones courted Berry

“It’s just one more 80-minute push that they need, whether it’s this weekend, whether it’s next weekend. I’m 99% certain they’ll get the job done in one of the next two games. You’ve got to put yourself out into that uncomfortable place for a short moment of time that when you come out of the other side, they’ll set their names in Lions history and folklore forever. It’s a massive effort but I’m very sure that they’ll do it.” – Former Wales and British & Irish Lions captain Sam Warburton on the Lions’ chances of winning the series

“I don’t think ‘Sir’ is such a big thing here. I wouldn’t listen too much to Clive Woodward. He doesn’t really matter to me.” – Erasmus hits back at Clive Woodward’s claim that a lack of separation of powers between head coach and director of rugby is killing the Springboks

“ [Warren] Gatland has a big hoorah in the media about a South African TMO and everyone finds that OK. Rassie voices his opinion where he can voice it, which is social media, and he’s got a few thousand on his lips. I don’t think it’s a mental thing or mind games. Rassie is extremely astute in terms of his rugby knowledge and you don’t want it to get dragged out into the public and look like a raucous. But if Gatland can potentially moan about a TMO, and then Rassie moans about that, is it not subjective opinion?” – Bryan Habana defends Erasmus’ use of social media

ALSO READ:Don’t shoot Rassie the messenger

Photo: Gallo Images

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Dylan Jack