Quotas to be challenged in court

Solidarity and Afriforum are taking SA Rugby, Cricket SA, Athletics SA and Netball SA to court over transformation targets.

According to SA Rugby's Strategic Transformation Plan (STP), at least half of the Springbok side must consist of players of colour in 2019, with 60% of those required to be black African. SA Rugby CEO Jurie Roux has said the STP is a road map and not a quota system.

ALSO READ: SA Rugby's 91-page transformation plan

Solidarity and Afriforum claim the agreed-upon transformation targets do not conform to local and international legislation and agreed-upon norms.

'We request an order that the court declare that the Transformation Charter, insofar as it pertains to demographic profiling, as invalid, and of no force and effect,' said Johan Kruger, deputy chief executive of Solidarity.

'We further request that the court declare the agreements between the parties, insofar as it pertains to quotas, as invalid and of no force and effect, and that sporting bodies are interdicted from applying quotas in determining team selection at a national, provincial, club or school level.'

Kallie Kriel, chief executive of AfriForum, said merit should be the only criterion in the selection of sports teams.

'The enforcement of racial quotas and political interference in South African sport directly violates the rules and regulations of international sports bodies. That is why AfriForum is going to send a delegation to several international sports bodies within the next months.'

WATCH: Kallie Kriel on court action (Afrikaans)

Photo: Ashley Vlotman/Gallo Images

Post by

Simon Borchardt