Watch: Massive maul sees Marx score winner

A destructive driving maul saw Malcolm Marx score a decisive try against Wales in Cardiff, one of 10 nominees for the 2021 SA Rugby Try of the Year award.

Nominee 7: Malcolm Marx vs Wales
Looking for their first win in Cardiff since 2014, the Springboks trailed a tightly-fought contest for most of the match. Despite enjoying a host of try-scoring opportunities, the Boks struggled to finish off and were terrorised at the breakdown, while the driving maul was well contained by Wayne Pivac’s injury-hit Wales outfit.

However, in the 72nd minute, the Springboks turned down another kickable penalty in search of a try. Thanks to some clever jostling from the forwards, the maul eventually managed to break free and race towards the tryline, allowing Marx to fall over the line, giving South Africa the lead for the first time in the game.

Elton Jantjies would add a penalty after the fulltime hooter to see the Boks claim a 23-18 victory.

Nominee 8: Makazole Mapimpi vs Scotland
Having started the November tour on a high against Wales, the Springboks were on the hunt for their third straight win when they took on Scotland in Edinburgh.

It was Scotland that went into the break 10-8 ahead, as Stuart Hogg responded to Makazole Mapimpi’s first try in the match just before half-time. However, minutes after the break, the Boks won possession outside Scotland’s 22 and sent the ball wide. Damian de Allende burst through a gap in Scotland’s defence and produced a wonderful offload through a tackle to put Mapimpi away for his second try.

The effort earned Mapimpi a second nomination for the Try of the Year award, with his score against the British & Irish Lions also nominated.

Photo: David Rogers/Getty Images

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Dylan Jack