Lobbe takes spoils at Loftus

Juan Martin Fernández Lobbe made some important contributions and got under the skin of the Springbok forwards, writes JON CARDINELLI.

The torrential rain in the first half ensured that the game was a stop-start affair. The Boks failed to build up a head of a steam when carrying the ball. They were not clinical enough at the attacking breakdowns, thus allowing the Pumas forwards to get their hands on the ball and in some instances force a momentum-killing turnover.

Francois Louw made some big hits and gave as good as he got when provoked by the feisty Pumas forwards. However, it was his opposite number, Lobbe, who was more influential at the breakdown and around the park.

Willie le Roux had an opportunity to score a try in the first half, but was denied due to a well-timed hit by Lobbe. Le Roux chip kicked over the Pumas defence, and looked to regather. If he had collected that ball, the Boks would have scored. Lobbe arrived in timely fashion, drove his shoulder into Le Roux’s ribs, and successfully forced the ball from Le Roux’s grasp.

Photos: Manus van Dyk/Gallo Images/David Rogers/Getty Images

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Jon Cardinelli