Kings tackle wage problems

EP Kings president Cheeky Watson says they are addressing issues related to the payment of player wages.

The Kings and coach Carlos Spencer recently parted ways over an alleged wage dispute, although Watson disputed these claims. He put a cash flow problem for July’s salaries down to a delay in the sponsorship administrative process.

On Wednesday, administrators and players from EP Rugby met with the South African Rugby Players Association (Sarpa) to address a number of concerns and challenges.

In a statement released by EP, Watson said he was positive at the outcome of discussions after a number of meetings.

‘Our main priority right now is addressing the concerns of our players and putting their minds at ease. This requires open and frank dialogue and we are positive that we have been able to address their concerns in a constructive and positive manner.'

Watson said chief among the concerns was the issue of non-payment of players’ salaries and that the administration had explained the situation in detail to Sarpa representatives.

Sarpa chief executive Piet Heymans said he was impressed with the efforts being made by EP Rugby to address these concerns, but that he had met with the players and explained their legal position and contractual obligations.

‘It was helpful to get the full background from the administration and we are looking forward to seeing this issue resolved by the end of the week,’ he said.

Photo: Richard Huggard/Gallo Images

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Craig Lewis