Kings Park killer found guilty

The Sharks have welcomed the judgement delivered in the Brett Williams murder case.

Williams, a former Royal Marine, was kicked to death after a match between the Sharks and the Rebels in 2013. 

Blayne Shepard, the sole remaining accused, was found guilty of culpable homicide on Monday.

His brother Kyle and their friends Andries van der Merwe and Dustin van Wyk were all initially charged with the murder, before being acquitted last year. 

Argument on sentencing has been set for the end of August.

As a result of the tragedy that occurred, stricter measures were implemented to prevent such situations from occurring at Kings Park, including:

– Increased security presence at all home matches.

– The implementation of a security hotline (031-308-8472), which is extensively advertised on match day, to report any untoward behaviour or incidents, which will be dealt with immediately by a trained reaction team.

– The stadium officially shuts down two hours after the main match.

– The implementation of stricter controls and measures with regard to the sale of alcohol at the stadium.

Full story

Photo: The Mercury

Post by

Simon Borchardt