‘I offer something different’

SARugbymag.co.za gets to know Bianca Koyabe, one of the gorgeous models at the recent SA Swimsuit magazine photo shoot in the Seychelles.

Rugby, football or cricket?
Football, I think. I like rugby, I’ve just watched more football. I don’t have a lot of time to watch sport. I’m not a girls’ girl, though – I’m one of four children and the only girl, so naturally I was a bit of a tomboy growing up. Climbing trees, rolling around in the dirt, even a little accident with my dad’s shaving kit.

What was it like to win the Model Search competition?
I’m not the traditional swimsuit model, I knew that before I entered. I have a different body-type, different features, and there’s no point pretending otherwise. But I figured if SA Swimsuit were going to pick me, it would be because I offer something different. Something new. There were a few nasty comments when I won – some people were unimpressed – but the positivity outweighed it by far. My family has been very supportive – my dad will take any chance he gets to tell people about it.

What was the Seychelles experience like for you?
Shooting has been a lot of fun; the locations are surreal, and [photographer] Jacques [Weyers] has an incredible eye. He gets amazing shots. Not to mention what I’ve been wearing! The bright colours they’ve had me in have a sporty edge to it, which suits my style perfectly. I was nervous, at first; I’ve never shot swimwear or lingerie before. And there were a lot of voices at one time, more than I’m used to. But I got such great direction; the nerves disappeared pretty quickly.

Photo: Rory Keohane/HSM Images

Post by

Simon Borchardt