Cruden off the hook

Aaron Cruden has escaped any further punishment for missing the All Blacks' plane to Argentina.

Following a misconduct hearing, the NZRU decided that the team management's two-match suspension was sufficient punishment.

A late-night drinking episode on the eve of the All Blacks' departure to South America saw Cruden miss the 21 September flight from Auckland.

He publicly apologised for his misdemeanour.

'I am heartened by the fact Aaron has taken full responsibility for his actions which resulted in this regrettable incident,' said NZRU general manager rugby Neil Sorensen. 'Aaron has had to suffer the shame in a very public manner and that in itself is something most people don't have to go through.

'Having considered all the factors and Aaron's response when we met, we have determined that no further sanction will apply.'

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Simon Borchardt