Cooper dumped by Aussie Sevens

Wallabies playmaker Quade Cooper will not be considered for the Australia Sevens Olympic squad.

Australia Sevens coach Andy Friend confirmed on Thursday that Cooper would not feature in the final two rounds of the World Rugby Sevens Series, or at the Rio Games in August.

'There’s no doubt Quade is a quality player, but put simply, we just haven’t had the opportunity to work with him as much as we would have liked over the past five months,' Friend said. 'Each day I have a group of 20-plus players working on different structures and patterns of play and I don’t think we would have got the very best out of Quade had we just thrown him into a tournament with limited preparation – particularly for an event as momentous as the Olympics.

'As many players have found out throughout this season’s World Series, it is no easy task to transition from 15s to the sevens form of the game. Although we are still a few months out from the Games, I think it offers the fairest outcome for everyone by making the call now. Quade can channel his energies into Toulon, while we can enter the next phase of our preparations for Rio knowing the direction we want to take.'

Cooper represented the Australia Sevens side in Las Vegas and Vancouver during this season's series.

Photo: David Becker/Getty Images

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Craig Lewis