‘Strauss was right call’

Allister Coetzee has insisted that even in hindsight he would have appointed Adriaan Strauss to captain the Springboks in 2016.

Despite Strauss confirming that he would be retiring at the end of this year, Coetzee backed him to lead the Boks in all 12 Tests.

With Coetzee failing to meaningfully expand the leadership group this season, with Pat Lambie only appointed as skipper for the 'friendly' against the Barbarians, it's now unclear as to who will be next in line to take over the leadership reins.

Despite question marks being raised over Coetzee's decision to continue backing a captain that was nearing retirement, he reiterated this week that it was not a decision he regretted.

'If you look at the Super Rugby franchises and the leaders there, I think Adriaan at that time was the guy that was 100% sure of his position and the most experienced hooker and player that had come through the systems,' Coetzee said.

'Therefore I made that call. In hindsight, it was still the right call that I made.'

Photo: Michael Steele/Getty Images

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Craig Lewis