Brüssow changed Meyer’s mind

Heyneke Meyer says Heinrich Brüssow's game is perfectly suited to the conditions the Springboks will experience at the World Cup in England.

The openside flank has not yet played for the Boks under Meyer, with his last Test appearance coming against the Wallabies at the 2011 World Cup.

But he is now set to make his return to the green and gold, with Meyer having changed his view of the player.

'I have to admit, I'm thinking differently about Heinrich as I did before,' Meyer told Netwerk24. 'I'm only human and sometimes you realise the pressure you are under. Your kids come home and mention things being said. There was a time when I thought Heinrich lost some of his pace, but I feel his move to Japan helped him a lot.

'I've also always considered him a passionate Springbok and the way he played upon his return for the Cheetahs this year was outstanding. It's unfortunate that he's injured now, because I would have liked to have played him in the first two Tests of the year to see how he fits in.

'I still consider Francois Louw as the best openside flank, but I have to think about what happens if he gets injured. There are guys like Marcell Coetzee and Siya Kolisi, but they're not out-and-out openside specialists.

'I feel Heinrich fits best in that position, because he plays towards the ball and he's not only an exceptional fetcher – he also ensures quick possession. I believe he will be ideal for the conditions we'll experience at the World Cup.'

Jon Cardinelli: Brüssow needs chance to shine

Photo: Stefan Postles/Getty Images

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Simon Borchardt