‘Bonus points won’t have influence’

England coach Eddie Jones says the introduction of bonus points in the Six Nations will not change the way teams play.

As part of their review of the tournament last year, the Six Nations council decided to introduce a bonus-point system on a trial basis to encourage and reward try-scoring and attacking play.

Jones, though, doesn't think it will make much of an impact.

'Teams were frightened of losing in the opening two rounds of the Six Nations last year,' he told the Guardian. 'They played well within themselves and did not want to take any risks, but the quality was much better on the final two weekends.

'We want to change that. The last time England played well in the first round was against Wales in 2006. Before that you go back to the great side of 2001-03. Otherwise, England have stumbled and got a close victory.

'I want us to go out there and set a benchmark in the first game. The Six Nations is a unique competition because of the intensity of the rivalry. If we can get the rugby to a great level, it will become the greatest tournament in the world.

'I don’t think bonus points [which are being trialled in this year’s tournament] will have any influence. I have coached for 20 years and it has not had one iota of influence on how I have gone about things. If you play good rugby, you secure a bonus point; if you don’t, you don’t.'

How Six Nations competition points will be awarded

Photo: David Rogers/Getty Images

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Jon Cardinelli