Boland coach faked qualifications

Boland coach Abe Davids has been suspended with immediate effect after he failed to bring forward his coaching qualifications to the board of directors.

The board has issued the suspension pending the outcome of a disciplinary investigation into his alleged coaching qualification.

Davids, the brother of Boland president Francois, was given the opportunity to provide proof of the qualification, which he relied on in September 2013, when he was appointed as head coach of the Boland Cavaliers.

To date the evidence has not been presented and inquiries to the IRB and Saru have confirmed that he did not have the IRB Level 3 coaching qualification at that stage.

The disciplinary process will be completed as soon as possible.

On Tuesday, Boland confirmed that Dewey Swartbooi will serve as head coach for the rest of the 2014 season.

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Simon Borchardt