Bid fails to bar Boks from World Cup

The application to prevent the Boks from participating in the World Cup has been stood down in the Pretoria High Court.

Little known political party, Agency for New Agenda (ANA)‚ formerly known as South Africa First, launched the application based on the allegation that the Bok team does not fully represent the majority of South Africans.

Court proceedings were initially adjourned by judge Ntendeya Mavundla on Wednesday in order for legal representation to be arranged for ANA, who subsequently dropped its motion.

Mavundla suggested the application should stand down in order for all parties to draw up plans for the way forward.

‘At some stage later down the line, the issue of transformation can be ventilated,’ Mavundla commented. ‘It cannot be that 21 years down the line, transformation is at a snail’s pace in all sectors.’

The Boks will depart for the World Cup as planned on 11 September.

Photo: Steve Haag/Gallo Images

Post by

Craig Lewis