Barnes cleared by Saru

Saru judicial officer Pieter Fischer on Friday cleared Griquas hooker Ryno Barnes of any wrongdoing after he verbally abused a match official.

Referee Pro Legoete alleged that Barnes referred to him as a 'p**s' during Griquas' 46-12 loss to the Blue Bulls at Loftus. He deemed it a serious offence on Barnes' part and red-carded the player in the 72nd minute.

Barnes was cited for breaching Law 10.4 (m) and (s), which states a player must not do anything that is against the spirit of good sportsmanship and that players must respect the authority of the referee. Barnes appeared before a judicial committee on Thursday, but judgment was reserved until today, with Fischer ruling Barnes as innocent and expunging the red card from his record.

The match was also Barnes' 100th cap for Griquas.

Photo: Lee Warren/Gallo Images

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