Bok centre held at gunpoint

Rohan Janse van Rensburg and two of his family members were held at gunpoint in an armed robbery at their home on Thursday night.

The Lions and Bok centre, his younger brother Runan Venter and another unnamed family member were inside the house when three armed men entered the property. The suspects tied Venter and the woman together before forcing Janse Van Rensburg to drive them away with all the stolen goods to a township.

Janse van Rensburg only returned home hours after being forced to chaperone the suspects.

Venter posted an emotional message on Instagram on Friday in which he confirmed the incident and said that they were thankful to be safe.


Hierdie foto is vinoggend 4h geneem toe ons 3 vir die eerste keer veilig weer saam was .. Ons het gele en fliek kyk gister aand toe ons hondtjie begin blaf en grom , ek loop toe buite toe om te kyk wat gaan aan en toe ek links van my opi grasperk kyk kom 3 Swart mans met gewere op my af gehardloop en wil my skiet .. Hulle bind my en haar toe vas opi grond en sit die geweer teen ons koppe en se as ons n geluid maak skiet hulle my broer .. My broer moes toe die 3 swart mans gaan aflaai met ons kar en al die goed wat hulle gesteel het in n township terwyl ek en sy opi grond vasgebind was en kani beweeg nie . Ure later het hy veilig by ons 2 aangekom weer en ons Prys God dat hy letterlik AL AL sy engele om ons gehaad het in hierdie tyd .. Wees dankbaar vir wat jy injou lewe het dis sekondes dan verander jou lewe viraltyd ❤ . #OnsIsVeilig#PrysGodviraltyd#SoDankbaar

A post shared by Runan Venter (@runanventer) on

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