ANC: No policy to remove Bok logo

The ANC says calls from parliamentarian Strike Ralegoma for the Springbok emblem to be removed from the national team's jersey is not its policy.

Ralegoma said on Tuesday that the Springbok should be removed and that all national teams must play with a single emblem, but on Wednesday the ANC moved to reiterate that Ralegoma's views were not shared by the party.

‘The African National Congress has noted the remarks attributed to ANC member of parliament and member of the portfolio committee on sports, comrade Strike Ralegoma, calling for the emblem of the national rugby team, the Springbok, to be changed,’ the statement read. ‘His remarks are not derived from a policy position of the ANC. Accordingly, the ANC distances itself from the remarks.’

Photo: Duif du Toit/Gallo Images

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Craig Lewis