DA: Hands off the Boks

The DA's Darren Bergman says a greater focus should be placed on transformation at the lower levels of rugby as opposed to the national team.

Bergman, the party's deputy shadow minister for sport and recreation, questioned SA Rugby's strategic transformation plan that aims to have a Springbok side made up of 50% players of colour by 2019.

'This transformation policy is a funeral policy … maybe a nicer name is calling it “colour by numbers”,' said Bergman.

He added that the DA supported transformation but that the transformation had to be responsible.

'If it was taking place correctly at school level, club level and provincial level then we would never have to worry about what was happening on a national level because then transformation corrects itself,' he said.

'I think the message is clear: hands off the Springboks for now. Let’s deal with transformation on the real levels, where it makes an impact … let the Springbok team basically metamorphosise because of real transformation.'

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ANC: Bok logo must go

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Simon Borchardt