Boks release Senatla

Seabelo Senatla has been released from the Springbok touring squad at the request of the Springbok Sevens and will return to South Africa on Sunday.

Senatla will join the Blitzboks as they prepare for the next two tournaments in the Sevens World Series, in Dubai and Port Elizabeth.

'We've got a very good relationship with Neil [Powell[ at the sevens, so we're happy to help,' said Springbok coach Heyneke Meyer. 'At this stage we won't be calling up a replacement as we have enough cover at the back.

'Seabelo has worked very hard the last few weeks and he has been impressive. He will improve even more with more exposure to 15-man rugby.'

Senatla said he had a great time on tour with the Springboks.

'Coach Heyneke told me from the outset I was on tour to see what the Springbok ethos and culture is all about and to learn and improve, and that I would only play in case of injuries,' he said. 'The attention to detail is massive and I think I improved a lot over the last month. To work with wings such as Bryan Habana and JP Pietersen also helped me a lot.

'I'm excited to join the Blitzboks as sevens rugby is still very important to me and I hope I can add to their campaign.'

Photo: Ben Hoskins/Getty Images

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Simon Borchardt