Five Bulls off to Japan

The Vodacom Bulls are set to suffer another player exodus at the end of the year.

According to Rapport newspaper, Pierre Spies, Francois Hougaard, JJ Engelbrecht, Akona Ndungane and Deon Stegmann will all be joining Japanese clubs.

Bulls high-performance manager Xander Janse van Rensburg confirmed that Spies and Hougaard's contracts with the union expire at the end of the year.

It will be the Bulls' biggest loss of players at once since 2013, when Morné Steyn, Jano Vermaak, Wynand Olivier, Zane Kirchner, Chiliboy Ralepelle, Jacques Potgieter and Dewald Potgieter all went overseas.

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Photo: Lee Warren/Gallo Images

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Simon Borchardt