Venter: Coetzee amazing at what he does

Defence coach Brendan Venter says head coach Allister Coetzee should be given credit 'for putting the Springbok machine back together'.

After a nightmare 2016 season, which resulted in eight defeats from 12 Tests, the Boks have bounced back with two wins against the No 8-ranked France. Another win at Ellis Park on Saturday will result in a 3-0 series whitewash.

Venter has received a lot of credit for this recent success, and the Boks' improved defence in particular, but he insists Coetzee deserves praise too.

'Neither I nor [Bok attack coach] Franco [Smith] came in and waved a magic wand,' wrote Venter in his latest column for The Times. 'The turnaround in fortunes at Springbok level has come about owing to a collective effort from the coaching staff and playing personnel.

'Coetzee was made out to be a failure because the results were poor last year, and the public underestimate his ability.

'As someone who is inside the Springbok camp I can attest to the fact that Coetzee is actually amazing at what he does in terms of bringing people together and getting the best out of them.'

Venter said he had taken a lot of positives out of the Boks' past two wins.

'For the second consecutive Test match we scored four tries against a very good French team and, to me, it feels like this Springbok side can score a five-pointer from anywhere on the field.

'With Franco at the helm of our attack, there is a genuine belief that we can cut opposition teams to pieces.

'Meanwhile, the way we defended our line and at one point repelled 27 phases from France in the second half, underpins the fantastic attitude of the current playing group.'

Full column

Photo: Steve Haag/Gallo Images

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Simon Borchardt