Toulon keen to ditch Top 14

Toulon president Mourad Boudjellal wants his club to join the English Premiership.

A Premiership Rugby spokesman told Press Association Sport that a letter had been received via email from the French club on Wednesday night.

'It is a bit early for us to make a formal response,' he said. 'But we will be doing so in due course. It does show the appeal of Premiership rugby.'

Boudjellal told French newspaper L’Equipe that his club’s Premiership presence would offer 'a huge added value'.

Boudjellal has had an ongoing and often bitter battle with organisers of the French Top 14 about matters such as the €10-million salary cap, and most recently, new rules that were introduced last year regarding player bonus payments now being part of the cap if they amount to more than 10% of a player’s salary.

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Simon Borchardt