‘Joost’s death hard to take’

Ireland flank CJ Stander says Joost van der Westhuizen's death has put life into perspective for him.

Stander spent two years at the Bulls before joining Munster and has since gone on to earn 11 Test caps for Ireland.

In an interview with RTÉ Radio's Michael Corcoran, Stander said his first memory – not simply rugby memory – was Joost bringing down Jonah Lomu during the 1995 World Cup with a textbook tackle around the legs. Stander was only five years old at the time.

WATCH: Joost’s textbook tackle on Lomu

'It was an unbelievable tackle, it just shows what you can do with your body.

'He’s been my hero from childhood. When you grow up and you see guys like that play [like that].

'He just decided he doesn’t have respect for his body, he’s just going to take this guy down and [his death] is a tough one to take.

'[He was] fearless, he brought a lot to the game, physicality and a lot of skill, a mixture of both.'

ALSO READ: Twitter reaction to Joost’s death

When Stander made his debut for the Bulls in 2010, it was Van der Westhuizen who presented him with his jersey.

'He gave me my first jersey presentation for my first senior start for the Bulls when I was in South Africa and I had a good connection with him from there on.

'[His death] just puts life in perspective for me, really just to enjoy it.'

'He meant a lot to a lot of people and a lot of players. He gave a lot to rugby and in general and he’s going to be sadly missed. My thoughts are with him and the family.

ALSO READ: Nine magic Joost moments

'It’s going to be a tough time and luckily he’s in a better place and he can rest peacefully now.

'The stories I’ve heard about him, he worked hard to make sure he was the best in his position and in the team. He’s given a lot back to rugby in general and to a lot of people afterwards with the work he did.

'It just shows the type of man he was, he was a leader of men and he’s going to be sadly missed.'

Photo: Anne Laing/Highbury Media Images

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Simon Borchardt