Sports union praises SA Rugby for WP intervention

Sport Employees Unite (SEU), a trade union representing non-playing sports staff, has applauded SA Rugby for assuming administrative control of the Western Province Rugby Football Union.

SA Rugby confirmed on Tuesday that it has advised the WPRFU it is invoking its constitutional power to take administrative control of the union.

The advice was provided following a decision by the executive council (Exco) of the South African Rugby Union on Monday.

Experienced former SA Rugby CEO Rian Oberholzer has been appointed as an administrator and will assume oversight of the union’s affairs immediately.

His remit includes supervision of the operational affairs of Western Province (Pty) Ltd, which manages the professional playing teams of the Stormers and Western Province.

“The actions and decisions taken by some of the elected officials of WPRFU over the past few months were of huge concern and not in the best interest of rugby,” SEU CEO Piet Heymans said.

“We expressed our concerns about this to SA Rugby a while ago and requested like other stakeholders that SA Rugby should intervene. We are therefore grateful that SA Rugby has taken this important decision.

“Rian is an experienced sports administrator and we look forward to working with him to ensure stability returns to WPRFU and that the WP rugby teams can focus on performing well in the various competitions over the next few months,” Heymans added.

“We lost faith in the manner in which corporate governance was being conducted and it has had a massive negative effect on the staff.

“It was an embarrassment for staff to read about the in-fighting, destructive acts, leaking of confidential information including personal staff information by certain elected officials in the newspapers nearly on a daily basis.

“Something had to be done and we trust that this now will come to an end.”

Photo: Gallo Images

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Dylan Jack